Pit-Stop - Schluchter, Licci und Partner

Pit Stop® – for a successful career.

A registered trademark of Schluchter, Licci & Partner AG

Pit Stop® is aimed at private individuals and companies.

The benefit for participants:

    • Clarity about own competences, personal career vision and options for action.
    • Improved professional communication & optimised self-marketing
    • Conscious and consistent pursuit of own career goals.

PitStop process

Pit Stop ® is also aimed at companies in the context of career development, talent management or career mobility. Through external coaching you offer your employees to gain clarity about their own career opportunities. This is employer branding in action.

Benefits for employers:

    • Promotion of employees towards the working world 4.0
    • Increased employee loyalty, satisfaction & retention by higher employability
    • Attractive employer for existing and new employees due to strong employer branding.

Pit Stop® is designed for in-house use, for individual cases as well as for specific groups. In any case, the coaching sessions are individual and are carried out with the utmost discretion.


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