News Schluchter, Licci und Partner

Employer Branding 4.0 – Opportunities for HR through career advancement.

These are the results of our survey on future HR practice.


The response to our customer survey in the last quarter of 2019, with more than 100 participants, reflect a clearly positive attitude towards the future challenges in HR. We wanted to know how the topic of digitalization is being approached in HR practice in areas such as career development or employer branding.


The majority, 81%, of those surveyed generally see digitalization as an opportunity to increase value and thus to also improve the reputation of the HR organization.

In this context, 95% are sure that employer branding will become more important. 73% answered with a clear “yes”, 22% with “rather yes”.


The answers to our third question show how important career development support of employees is for employer branding:

98% are convinced that actively promoting employees in the direction of the labour market 4.0 is an essential part of employer branding. 60% answered this question with a clear “yes”, 38% with “rather yes”. The best way to promote employees' careers 4.0 is to combine internal and external support. 90% spoke in favour of the combined solution.

We were pleasantly surprised by the answers to our last question, if the use of external outplacement in the event of a separation could improve employer branding. 98% agreed, with 60% answering this question with a clear “yes”, 38% with “rather yes”.


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